Community Health

Degree Awarded:
Bachelor of Science in Community Health

Length of Program:
8–10 semesters

Application Deadlines:
Accepted year-round
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Set yourself apart from other health professional school applicants with a Bachelor’s degree in Community Health. 

Degree Overview

A Bachelor’s degree in Community Health focusing on the Pre-Health Professional track expands your knowledge of health-related fields and prepares you to serve diverse populations. To supplement the required math and science courses needed for application to graduate schools, students select one of the following concentrations: Gerontology, Human Services, Public Health, Women’s Health or Healthcare Business. These courses provide meaningful insight and experience in a specialized patient population.

The Pre-Health Professional track includes a blend of on-campus and online courses and is designed for a variety of individuals.

  • Students interested in applying to a medical, dental, pharmacy, physical therapy, occupational therapy or physician assistant program
  • Students who want to stand out from other applicants and rise above the competition
  • Students who are just starting their health care education career or those desiring a career change

The interdisciplinary curriculum of the Community Health program includes courses that address vulnerable populations, health literacy and patient advocacy, legal and ethical implications, environmental and cultural influences on health, trauma informed care, and grant writing. You will select from the following concentrations:  

  • Gerontology  
  • Human Services  
  • Public Health
  • Women's Health
  • Healthcare Business
  • Nutrition -- new Fall 2025!

In the final two semesters of the program, you will integrate classroom material with hands-on experience at an agency or organization of your choice. This 90-hour fieldwork component allows you to work in and observe all aspects of the agency, develop advanced skills, apply concepts from your classes, and gain practical experience in your chosen concentration. You will develop a paper that incorporates your course work and fieldwork experiences in the capstone course taken during your final semester.  

How we prepare
the best

  • Explore a variety of health professions with the guidance of a dedicated advisor.
  • Choose from concentrations in Gerontology, Human Services, Public Health, Women’s Health and Healthcare Business.
  • Complete coursework on campus and online with flexible part- or full-time study options.
  • Select fieldwork in your area of interest.

Required Courses for Bachelor of Science in Community Health, Pre-Health Professional Track

Healthcare Core

Students choose one course from each of the following Core groups (9 semester hours): Intercultural Communication (ICC); Humanities (HUM); and Ethics, Empathy, and Advocacy (EEA).

Courses Semester Hours
◊ ICC Core - Intercultural Communication 3
ICC HUM EEA - Healthcare Core Courses 3
EEA Core - Ethics, Empathy, and Advocacy 3
General Courses

(37 semester hours)

Courses Semester Hours
IPE 301 - Interprofessional Education 0
ENG 101 - English Composition I 3
ENG 102 - English Composition II 3
PSY 101 - Introduction to Psychology 3
MAT 130 - College Algebra 3
MAT 310 - Statistics 3
GEN 105 - Medical Terminology 1
BIO 122 - Nutrition Science 3
BUS 140 - Healthcare Delivery Systems 2
HIM 180 - Essentials of Pharmacology 2
SOC 220 - Medical Sociology 2
◊ CHL 244 - Vulnerable Populations 3
CHL 243 - Trauma Informed Care 3
SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology 3
CHL 248 - Introduction to Grant Writing 2
Electives 1

Additional General Courses

Students will choose one concentration to complete the Bachelor of Science in Community Health (pre-occupational therapy students will choose two concentrations).

Public Health Concentration

(18 semester hours)

Courses Semester Hours
BUS 470 - Issues and Policies in Public Health 3
CHL 250 - Epidemiology 3
CHL 251 - Environmental Risk Factors and Disease 3
◊ CHL 353 - Community Engagement and Social Change 3
MAT 410 - Advanced Statistics for Public Healthcare 3
CHL 355 - Health Program Planning and Evaluation 3
Human Services Concentration

(18 semester hours)

Courses Semester Hours
PSY 200 - Human Development 3
CHL 266 - Social Policy and Human Services 3
CHL 245 - Family Dynamics 1
EEA 210 - American Poverty and Healthcare 3
CHL 252 - Information and Referral 2
CHL 249 - Crisis Intervention 1
CHL 253 - Understanding the Criminal Justice System 2
◊ CHL 353 - Community Engagement and Social Change 3
Gerontology Concentration

(18 semester hours)

Courses Semester Hours
GEN 220 - Gerontology 2
CHL 241 - Programs, Services and Policies in Aging 3
EEA 205 - Death and Dying 3
CHL 330 - Health and Physical Aspects of Aging 3
CHL 333 - Psychological and Social Aspects of Aging 3
CHL 334 - Managing Care of the Older Adult 3
CHL 335 - Seminar in Gerontology 1
Women’s Health Concentration

(18 semester hours)

Courses Semester Hours
CHL 260 - Evolution of Women’s Health 3
CHL 261 - Women’s Health in Contemporary Society 3
CHL 265 - Literary Perspectives of Women’s Health 3
CHL 362 - Global Issues in Women’s Health 3
CHL 364 - Mental Health of Women Throughout the Lifespan 3
CHL 365 - Mammography 1
CHL 366 - Pharmacology in Women's Health 1
CHL 367 - Preventative & Restorative Topics for Women 1
Healthcare Business Concentration

(18 semester hours)

Courses Semester Hours
HIM 218 - Data Analysis and Visualization 3
BUS 375 - Concepts of Leadership 2
BUS 357 - Healthcare Accounting and Financial Management 4
BUS 262 - Business Communication and Marketing 3
Healthcare Business Electives

Students choose two of the following electives:

Courses Semester Hours
BUS 425 - Project Management 3
BUS 470 - Issues and Policies in Public Health 3
BUS 420 - Long-Term Care Management 3
HIM 360 - Compliance and Legal Applications 3
BUS 335 - Managing Healthcare Departments 3
HIM 333 - Classification Systems and Reimbursement Methodologies 3
BUS 411 - Operations and Quality Management 3
BUS 318 - Human Resources and Organizational Behavior 3
Health Science Concentrations
(tailored specifically to the program student is pursuing)


Dental – Health Science Concentration

(44 semester hours)

Courses Semester Hours
BIO 110 - Fundamentals of Biology I - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 111 - Fundamentals of Biology II - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 150 - General Chemistry - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 151 - General Chemistry II - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 211 - Human Anatomy - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 213 - Human Physiology - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 240 - Organic Chemistry I - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 241 - Organic Chemistry - Lecture and Lab 4
PHY 200 - Physics I - Lecture and Lab 4
PHY 205 - Physics II - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 270 - Biochemistry - Lecture and Lab 4
Dental - Electives

Select 10 semester hours from the following courses

Courses Semester Hours
BIO 210 - Microbiology - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 300 - Immunology 3
BIO 301 - Kinesiology 3
BIO 310 - Genetics 3
MAT 140 - Calculus 4
HIM 240 - Introduction to Informatics 3
PSY 200 - Human Development 3
PTA 106 - Introduction to Physical Therapy 2
GEN 300 - Research Methods for Health and Social Sciences 3
BUS 121 - Survey of Economics 3
ICC HUM EEA - Healthcare Core Courses 3
CHL- Community Health Electives varies
PY - Psychology Electives varies
GEN, HC, ST - General Education Electives varies
Medical - Health Science Concentration

(44 semester hours)

Courses Semester Hours
BIO 110 - Fundamentals of Biology I - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 111 - Fundamentals of Biology II - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 150 - General Chemistry - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 151 - General Chemistry II - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 211 - Human Anatomy - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 213 - Human Physiology - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 240 - Organic Chemistry I - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 241 - Organic Chemistry - Lecture and Lab 4
PHY 200 - Physics I - Lecture and Lab 4
PHY 205 - Physics II - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 270 - Biochemistry - Lecture and Lab 4
Medical - Electives

Select 10 semester hours from the following courses

Courses Semester Hours
BIO 210 - Microbiology - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 300 - Immunology 3
BIO 301 - Kinesiology 3
BIO 310 - Genetics 3
MAT 140 - Calculus 4
HIM 240 - Introduction to Informatics 3
PSY 200 - Human Development 3
PTA 106 - Introduction to Physical Therapy 2
GEN 300 - Research Methods for Health and Social Sciences 3
BUS 121 - Survey of Economics 3
ICC HUM EEA - Healthcare Core Courses 3
CHL- Community Health Electives varies
PY - Psychology Electives varies
GEN, HC, ST - General Education Electives varies
Pharmacy - Health Science Concentration

(36 semester hours)

Courses Semester Hours
BIO 110 - Fundamentals of Biology I - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 150 - General Chemistry - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 151 - General Chemistry II - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 211 - Human Anatomy - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 213 - Human Physiology - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 240 - Organic Chemistry I - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 241 - Organic Chemistry - Lecture and Lab 4
PHY 200 - Physics I - Lecture and Lab 4
MAT 140 - Calculus 4
Pharmacy - Electives

Select 18 semester hours from the following courses

Courses Semester Hours
BIO 111 - Fundamentals of Biology II - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 210 - Microbiology - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 300 - Immunology 3
BIO 301 - Kinesiology 3
BIO 310 - Genetics 3
CHM 270 - Biochemistry - Lecture and Lab 4
PHY 205 - Physics II - Lecture and Lab 4
BUS 121 - Survey of Economics 3
HIM 240 - Introduction to Informatics 3
PSY 200 - Human Development 3
PTA 106 - Introduction to Physical Therapy 2
GEN 300 - Research Methods for Health and Social Sciences 3
ICC HUM EEA - Healthcare Core Courses 3
CHL- Community Health Electives varies
PY - Psychology Electives varies
GEN, HC, ST - General Education Electives varies
Physician Assistant - Health Science Concentration

(36 semester hours)

Courses Semester Hours
BIO 110 - Fundamentals of Biology I - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 111 - Fundamentals of Biology II - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 150 - General Chemistry - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 151 - General Chemistry II - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 211 - Human Anatomy - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 213 - Human Physiology - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 210 - Microbiology - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 240 - Organic Chemistry I - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 270 - Biochemistry - Lecture and Lab 4
Physician Assistant - Electives

Select 18 semester hours from the following courses

Courses Semester Hours
BIO 300 - Immunology 3
BIO 310 - Genetics 3
BIO 301 - Kinesiology 3
CHM 241 - Organic Chemistry - Lecture and Lab 4
MAT 140 - Calculus 4
PHY 200 - Physics I - Lecture and Lab 4
PHY 205 - Physics II - Lecture and Lab 4
HIM 240 - Introduction to Informatics 3
PSY 200 - Human Development 3
PTA 106 - Introduction to Physical Therapy 2
GEN 300 - Research Methods for Health and Social Sciences 3
BUS 121 - Survey of Economics 3
ICC HUM EEA - Healthcare Core Courses 3
CHL- Community Health Electives varies
PY - Psychology Electives varies
GEN, HC, ST - General Education Electives varies
Physical Therapy - Health Science Concentration

(38 semester hours)

Courses Semester Hours
BIO 110 - Fundamentals of Biology I - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 111 - Fundamentals of Biology II - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 150 - General Chemistry - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 151 - General Chemistry II - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 211 - Human Anatomy - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 213 - Human Physiology - Lecture and Lab 4
PHY 200 - Physics I - Lecture and Lab 4
PHY 205 - Physics II - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 301 - Kinesiology 3
PSY 200 - Human Development 3
Physical Therapy - Electives

Select 16 semester hours from the following courses

Courses Semester Hours
BIO 210 - Microbiology - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 300 - Immunology 3
BIO 310 - Genetics 3
CHM 240 - Organic Chemistry I - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 241 - Organic Chemistry - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 270 - Biochemistry - Lecture and Lab 4
MAT 140 - Calculus 4
HIM 240 - Introduction to Informatics 3
PTA 106 - Introduction to Physical Therapy 2
GEN 300 - Research Methods for Health and Social Sciences 3
BUS 121 - Survey of Economics 3
ICC HUM EEA - Healthcare Core Courses 3
CHL- Community Health Electives varies
PY - Psychology Electives varies
GEN, HC, ST - General Education Electives varies
Occupational Therapy - Health Science Concentration

(26 semester hours)

Courses Semester Hours
BIO 110 - Fundamentals of Biology I - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 150 - General Chemistry - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 211 - Human Anatomy - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 213 - Human Physiology - Lecture and Lab 4
PHY 200 - Physics I - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 301 - Kinesiology 3
PSY 200 - Human Development 3
Occupational Therapy - Electives

Select 10 semester hours from the following courses

Courses Semester Hours
BIO 111 - Fundamentals of Biology II - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 210 - Microbiology - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 300 - Immunology 3
CHM 151 - General Chemistry II - Lecture and Lab 4
BIO 310 - Genetics 3
CHM 240 - Organic Chemistry I - Lecture and Lab 4
CHM 241 - Organic Chemistry - Lecture and Lab 4
MAT 140 - Calculus 4
CHM 270 - Biochemistry - Lecture and Lab 4
PHY 205 - Physics II - Lecture and Lab 4
HIM 240 - Introduction to Informatics 3
PTA 106 - Introduction to Physical Therapy 2
GEN 300 - Research Methods for Health and Social Sciences 3
BUS 121 - Survey of Economics 3
ICC HUM EEA - Healthcare Core Courses 3
CHL- Community Health Electives varies
PY - Psychology Electives varies
GEN, HC, ST - General Education Electives varies
Major Courses

(4 semester hours)

Courses Semester Hours
◊ CHL 400 - Community Health Fieldwork (concentration related) 2
CHL 401 - Community Health Capstone (concentration related) 2

Tuition and Fees

Estimated rates for the 2024-25 academic year. Rates are subject to change. Find out more information about costs, tuition, and fees.


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Financial Aid

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Undergraduate Tuition

Cost per Credit Hour

Cost per Semester
$8,202 - Full-time (12 hrs)
$4,101 - Part-time (6 hrs)

Undergraduate Tuition$671 / credit-hour
Fees - Included in cost per semester
Enrollment Fee for first time students $150/ each
Degree Specific Fees - Not included in cost per semester
Interprofessional education – IPE Course Fee IPE 301 $140/ student
IDI Cultural Assessment Fee $40/ student
Lab Fee - General Education $40/ class

Career Overview

Median Salary

  • $41,410 Social & Human Services Worker/ Patient Advocate/Peer Specialist/Direct Support Specialist
  • $46,690 Program Manager/Direct Care Supervisor
  • $48,200 Community Health Worker
  • $77,030 Social & Community Service Manager/ Social Services Director
  • $110,680 Medical and Health Services Manager

If you were to be accepted into and successfully complete the health profession of your choosing, potential median salaries are as follows:

  • Family Physician: $224,640 to $239,200
  • General Dentist: $166,300 / $170,910
  • Physician Assistant: $130,020
  • Pharmacist: $136,030
  • Physical Therapist: $99,710
  • Occupational Therapist: $96,370

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2024

Job Outlook

Employment of community health workers is growing at a rapid rate of 13% from 2023 to 2023 (Bureau of Labor Statistics).

Pre-health and pre-med fields are projected to grow through at the rates listed below:

  • Medical doctor: 5% through 2033
  • Dentist: 5% through 2033
  • Physician Assistant: 5% through 2033, much faster than average
  • Pharmacist: 8-14% through 2033, much faster than average
  • Physical Therapist: 9-11% through 2033, much faster than average

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2024

Career Options

  • Administration
  • Educational settings
  • Environmental health agencies
  • Correctional institutions
  • Grant writing
  • Health departments
  • Health & wellness centers
  • Home health, palliative care & hospice agencies
  • Hospitals
  • Independent, Assisted Living & Skilled Nursing Facilities
  • Insurance companies
  • Medical clinics
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Public policy & government
  • Public safety & disaster relief organizations
  • Rehabilitation centers
  • Research
  • Shelters
  • Social service agencies
  • Substance abuse programs
  • Women’s health agencies

This page includes information from O*NET OnLine by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA). Used under the CC BY 4.0 license.

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